Draper Elementary’s Dragon Dash Includes Fun, Competitive Runs
Oct 07, 2015 11:06AM ● By Bryan Scott
At last year’s Dragon Dash, Draper Elementary students received high-fives from Dewey, their school mascot. He will be at this year’s run, now held at Corner Canyon High School. Photo courtesy of Kerri Brown
By Julie Slama
Draper - With a new venue at Corner Canyon High School, this year’s Draper Elementary Dragon Dash will include a 100-meter dash, a 1,600-meter competitive student run and a 1,600-meter fun run for families.
“We have never done a timed run that I know of,” Draper Elementary PTA Fundraiser/Dragon Dash Chair Kerri Brown said. “We have a medal for top finishers for each grade in the 100-meter dash. We also will have medals for top finishers for the 1,600-meter (student run).”
The Dragon Dash, set to the school theme of “Our Draper Dragons Shine,” is set for 6:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 14 at Corner Canyon High School’s stadium, 12943 South 700 East. There will be truck vendors available between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. to purchase food.
The annual Dragon Dash is the school’s Parent-Teacher Association fundraiser, which made about $25,000 last year and Brown hopes to match again this year.
The funds are earmarked for field trips, before and afterschool programs, classroom emergency kits and PTA programs such as Dads and Donuts reading mornings, Red Ribbon Week, Reflections, teacher appreciation week, literacy week, fitness week and others.
“If we reach our goal of $25,000 by Thursday (Sept. 10), every student will get a Draper Elementary T-shirt,” she said.
Students also will receive small prizes for returning their fundraising packet or donating online by the deadline. Students that turn in donations of at least $40 will be entered in a drawing for a big prize. In addition, each grade that averages $40 per student will get a popsicle recess.
Brown said many parent volunteers help with the planning of this event and some faculty and staff who attend may run with the students. The school mascot, Dewey the Dragon, also will make an appearance.
This year’s run, which normally has students run through the neighborhoods, trails and parks, was changed for safety reasons and because of city permit and trail use fees. Corner Canyon High School has been very supportive in allowing Draper Elementary to use their facility for this event, Brown said.