Rocky Mountain Power Lowers Rates for Customers
Dec 07, 2015 09:53AM ● By Rachel HallBy Rachel Hall
Draper - Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to customers in Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. The company’s Utah customers can expect to see lower rates, which went into effect on Nov. 1, on their bills. The reduction will reduce bills by an overall average of 0.8 percent or $6.14 for customers using 698 kilowatt-hours per month.
“This is done every year. It is part of the regulatory process,” Margaret Oler, a Rocky Mountain Power spokesperson, said.
The Utah Division of Public Utilities and the Office of Consumer Services supported the reduction in rates, which was part of a settlement approved by the Public Service Commission of Utah in October.
“Once a year, the customer bills are adjusted based on the actual cost of fuel and electricity purchases. In this instance, it was a reduction,” Oler said.
The Public Service Commission of Utah approves electricity prices based partially on the expected costs of fuel and electricity purchases, which are tracked in a special balancing account.
“These annual adjustments allow the company to more quickly adjust prices to reflect the actual costs of providing service to customers,” Bob Lively, Utah regulatory affairs manager for Rocky Mountain Power, said. “They help make sure our customers do not overpay or underpay for the energy they use.”
There will not be any specific credits given to customers on their monthly bills. The reduction in rates is based on forecasts made by looking at historical data as well as at expected demand.
“This means customers will be paying less in the coming year,” Oler said.
For more information about Rocky Mountain Power, visit