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Draper Journal

Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society celebrates popular tunes with ‘Curtains Up!’

Oct 07, 2024 10:03AM ● By Katherine Weinstein

Costumed soloists and dancers performed with Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society at the 2023 Broadway-themed concert. (Photo courtesy Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society)

On Oct. 14 and 15, Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society will present “Curtains Up!” an evening of music celebrating Hollywood and Broadway. The program, filled with well-known songs sung by costumed soloists and a full orchestra, promises to be an enjoyable evening out for audience members. For the musicians and singers, having the opportunity to perform together live for an audience is also a special experience.

French horn player Daniel Geiger, who only recently began playing with Draper Philharmonic, said, “It’s just nice to play again. I picked up French horn in middle school. I kind of was on hiatus for a few years. It’s easy to put it aside but now I realize how much I enjoy it.”

Community orchestras and choirs like Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society provide an outlet for people who aren’t professional musicians but have the ability and passion for making music to share their talents. 

First soprano Anne Gold, who has been singing with the Choral Society for three years, explained that aside from church, she hadn’t had much music in her life for about 15 years. “I love it,” she said. “I grew up with music from a young age.” She spoke of how much it means to be a part of the Choral Society. “Being a part of this production, seeing Sherri direct, seeing all the talent, it’s been a rewarding experience,” she said.

Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society founder and director Sherri Jensen commented on the importance of music in the community, as well as all of the fine arts. “We can’t be without the arts. It’s what binds us together. We’re hoping people will come out and really appreciate what we’ve got,” she said.

Jensen relayed that the nonprofit, which she founded in 2017, has experienced periods of financial uncertainty but has beaten the odds so far. She recalled one of her professors at BYU who told a class back in 1992 that the symphony would be obsolete in 20 years. “I thought he was crazy at the time,” Jensen said. She acknowledged that the struggle for arts organizations to stay afloat in today’s economy is very real.

Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society depends on donations and ticket sales as well as the availability of spaces to perform in. Currently, they are using the stage at Corner Canyon High School. “It’s the best theater in town,” Jensen said. Because they must share that space with the students putting on their own productions, “Curtains Up!” will be presented on a Monday and Tuesday.

“Curtains Up!” promises to be a fun-filled show that adults and kids alike will enjoy. The program is filled with songs from stage and screen including many Disney favorites and pop songs as well. Jensen specifically mentioned that they will perform music from “Beauty and the Beast,” “Toy Story,” “Moana,” and “Aladdin” as well as the orchestral theme from “Pirates of the Caribbean.” 

This year, in celebration of “Wicked” coming to the big screen in November, Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society will perform a 10-minute long medley of songs from that musical. 

Concertgoers might imagine a Philharmonic concert as consisting of musicians and singers clad in black formal wear and standing on risers. “Curtains Up!” features soloists in costume and dancers as well. A highlight of the evening will be a “Gone With the Wind” ballroom dance scene. 

Soloist Mike Handy will be performing “Friend Like Me” as the genie from “Aladdin” with a full costume and blue makeup to boot. Handy, who also builds costumes professionally, explained that before the performances, there will be opportunities for audience members to take photos with costumed characters like the Genie, Princess Jasmine and Aladdin, and others.

“What I enjoy most is performing with a live orchestra,” he said. “Prerecorded music is just not the same. Live music brings an energy into the room like nothing else. We’ve got a very energetic, involved audience. There’s just nothing like live performance.”  

Draper Philharmonic & Choral Society presents “Curtains Up! Music from Broadway and the Silver Screen” on Oct. 14 and 15 at 7 p.m. at Corner Canyon High School, 12943 S. 700 East. For tickets and more information, visit λ